
How to use registax 6
How to use registax 6

Ive stacked 8 MP JPEGs with no issues, so Im sure overall file size (including 12 bit/14 bit RAW vs 8 bit JPEG, compression, etc) also has an impact. If possible, crop your images to be 6MP or less. There are a few things that Ive discovered (some mentioned in my original post) that will send Registax into a cardiac arrest and give me all sorts of errors:ġ - File size, especially when playing with RAW files makes a difference. Ive only ever used Registax to stack still images and not video files. It seems my only output option is an AVI file?!? I'm absolutely stumped.Ĭharles.You should be able to stack jpgs of images just fine, as Ive managed to do it before with some simple 8mp images from my mom-in-laws superzoom. Half the time the buttons are grayed out for no reason, and nothing i do makes it show me align points. Software: Photoshop, Astro Art, Registax, WinJuposĮxposition time: 60 “ ( single frame ), stack of about 40 frames.I'm trying to combine several individual shots of the moon made with my Q, but I can't figure this damn software out. The deep sky photo shows the Milky way, in particular the regions of Cygnus and Cepheus.Įxposition time: 1/30 “ ( single frame ), stack of about 1800 frames. One of the satellites involved, Ganymede, is visible to the right of the planet. The planetary photo captures Jupiter during a double eclipse. This photo was designed with this purpose and is the overlapping of two images ( one planetary and one of deep sky ) which were taken in two different days and places. Lately, stimulated also by my work ( I am professor in a high school ) I reflected on the fact that, if we want amateur photography to be effective in bringing young people to astronomy, it must be presented in a suggestive way, it must be emotional. For several years I took planetary photography and I presented my photos, like everyone else, with an aseptic black background.

How to use registax 6